Sunday, July 11, 2010

Jesse Jackson. Sigh.

so...remember the time Jesse Jackson was ridiculous?

Wow. Really?  Now, I'm not saying Gilbert spoke with a lot of class or even made a whole lot of sense in his rant (it seems like hell will be hosting a fleet of ice dancers before the Cavs get a championship before James).  But...a slave mentality?  Really?  I suppose, Mr. Jackson, that you'll just lump the rest of Cleveland in with Gilbert, huh?  Since you know, I don't think any Cavs fan, black or white, will be welcoming back for a visit with open arms...

Just FYI, here is a much more articulate look at James' situation, from a rather good sports analyst I read from time to time.

I wonder if Gilber has a case for slander here...

(p.s. on a personal note...if I've spent at least $80 on a jersey, chances are I'm not going to burn it.)

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