Friday, July 30, 2010

Monday, July 26, 2010

3D Sidewalk Art

These are pretty slick.  I saw one once last year, and it was pretty darn impressive.

Monday, July 12, 2010

NCAA Football 11

I LOVE that Timmy is on the cover of the latest college football game.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Jesse Jackson. Sigh.

so...remember the time Jesse Jackson was ridiculous?

Wow. Really?  Now, I'm not saying Gilbert spoke with a lot of class or even made a whole lot of sense in his rant (it seems like hell will be hosting a fleet of ice dancers before the Cavs get a championship before James).  But...a slave mentality?  Really?  I suppose, Mr. Jackson, that you'll just lump the rest of Cleveland in with Gilbert, huh?  Since you know, I don't think any Cavs fan, black or white, will be welcoming back for a visit with open arms...

Just FYI, here is a much more articulate look at James' situation, from a rather good sports analyst I read from time to time.

I wonder if Gilber has a case for slander here...

(p.s. on a personal note...if I've spent at least $80 on a jersey, chances are I'm not going to burn it.)

Grammar Nazis

Ah, this resonates strongly with the English teacher in me. Avoiding dangling modifiers can save lives!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Etched in Time

So this fella, George Vlosich, makes portraits out of Etch-A-Sketches. That's right, I said Etch-A-Sketches. And not the kind I made as a kid, in which something like this here on the right would have been shooting for the moon.

Nope, this guy makes honest-to-goodness works of art:

Apparently you can get your own for only $525!