Monday, October 25, 2010

This kid is pretty slick.

Anyone else think he's maybe got some Nickel Creek influences in there?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Kyiv Symphony Orchestra & Chorus

Дуже хороше ранковий!

Or, for all you non-Ukrainians, Good Morning!

Yesterday, we had the distinct privilege of listening to the Kyiv Symphony Orchestra and Chorus and later, over 30 families in our church hosted the 80 person orchestra and chorus and their staff.  They travel on tour for two months, raising money for the Music Mission Kyiv, which ministers the widows and orphans of the great city of Kyiv, Ukraine, along with many professional musicians who call Kyiv home.  Check out the promotional video for more info.

The Ukraine has a tremendous artistic tradition, with some of the best opera and ballet houses and music conservatories in the world.  To hear some of their professional musicians in our own church home was an honor. God has blessed this particular company richly, as they are constantly invited to primarily Muslim counties to sing many of these great classical works, which are often based on Biblical texts.  Bach's "Magnificat," for example, is based on the early chapters of Luke!

The Kyiv Symphony and Orchestra performing in the Ukraine.
In a word, the concert itself was...magnificent.  I think I often forget the great majesty music can evoke when proclaiming the glory of God.  From their opener of "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" to Beethoven's "Halleluiah" to previewing some of their Christmas music in "O Holy Night," their voices filled the whole place, swelling to grand crescendos that reverberated in every pew and wall. It was truly majestic.  This is not to discredit most church worship services today, but it was certainly nice to be reminded the majesty that can be found in music.  After intermission, they changed to the tone a bit, singing some Ukrainian folk music, American folk, and then getting down with Benny Goodman, who was in fact, Ukrainian! 

That night, we hosted four of the chorus and one staff member of the organization, and they were some of the lovliest people I have ever met.  So kind and despite some language barriers, so easy to talk too.  It was such a blessing to be apart of their ministry for this one night and to know them.  I do hope to stay in touch.

By the way, if you'd like to brush up on your Ukrainian, that greeting above would sound like "DOH-bry RAN-ook" in English. :)

Here are some more links with more information:  When you check this link out, check out the Sample Music and scroll until you get to "Hallelujah." 

You won't be disappointed.