Tuesday, March 23, 2010

21 Accents

This is pretty darn impressive.  Much thanks to my student Josh for the heads up!

21 Accents, Amy Walker

Monday, March 15, 2010

Wake Up Call

How about this for a wake up call?

Two articles by Robert Samuelson, who apparently tries to stay so objective that he doesn't vote in elections.  Not voting at all is not where I would fall, but I appreciate the attempt at impartiality.  Samuelson writes for the Washington Post and for Newsweek, among other major papers, primarily about business and economics.

All that said, the first article chronicles the "mirage" that has become the health care issue/debate.  Samuelson notes several claims by proponents of "universal health care" and with evidence, debunks these claims.  The naysayer might say, "How irrelevant!  Universal health care isn't on the table!  Just the public option! That's all!"  To which I would cock an eyebrow and ask just how closely said naysayer has been following this debate at all.

The second article is more of a gut-check, as it highlights China's growing "stash."  A $2.4 trillion stash to be exact.  So...yeah.

Good thing I believe in the sovereignty of God, no matter what happens.  Otherwise, I would be having a slight panic attack....  Instead, I'm just going to read this cartoon.